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Data Science and Analytics Job Search Club

A club to help minoritized job seekers in data science (e.g. non-cis male, non-white, immigrants) prepare for interviews, negotiations, and work through adversity in the search for a new job.

CurriculumAll CohortsFacilitators

This is a template for including details about this club.

Please edit this topic to include most or all of the elements listed below!

Note that the following will be included on the club details page, and don't have to be added here:

  • Title (max 50 characters)
  • Short description (max 200 characters)
  • Cost
  • Requirements (short prerequisites)

Learning Goals

Replace with: a brief overview of what material the Club will cover, and its overall learning goals. Are there specific outcomes you're aiming for? Any concrete artifacts expected? Questions you're exploring?


Replace with: summary of how many sessions, how often you meet, estimate of time required, etc. You don't need a detailed schedule — you'll create an "event" for each meeting.

Who Should Sign Up

Replace with: description of the ideal participant — who would get the most out of this Club? Who is it not for?

Anything Else…

Replace with: anything else that you think is essential for participants to know! Feel free to rename this section, remove, or add additional ones as needed.

4 weeks
This course is still a draft. You can enroll once the creator publishes it!

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